ufo visitors

ufo visitors

Saturday 30 May 2015

Ufo Links

This page offers a hand-edited list of about one hundred (100) blogs which cover UFOs. Obviously this is not an exhaustive list, however many UFO bloggers offer links to other blogs they like (blogroll). You may also want to check the
UFO podcasts and UFO forums and mailing-lists pages.
Blog Tip: If you are unsure where to start, you are welcome to subscribe (free) to the UFO Updates RSS feed I monitor myself. The UFOupdates feed is syndicating posts from about two dozen blogs, covering both UFO news and history. For many topics involving the UFO phenomenon, one has to draw conclusions based on imperfect, incomplete or poorly reported data. I always appreciate hearing from others who have taken the time to reflect on the issues. Disclaimer: the blog posts of this feed don't necessarily reflect my opinion, in fact in the past I have occasionally cringed when reading some of the material posted. You can join via traditional RSS (any reader e.g. GoogleReader, MyYahoo, MSIE7, Firefox etc) or by e-mail via Google Feedburner. In response to popular demand, the same UFOupdates feed is also available at Twitter and Facebook.
Daily news scan about unexplained phenomena (not specializing in UFOs), conspiracies, "alternative history" and the paranormal from a variety of sources.
  • UFO @ Google News - Google News is a computer-generated news site that aggregates headlines from 1000s of news sources worldwide. Note: There is a ton of fluff on the Internet that passes for "UFO news". A cursory search for the term "UFO" on GoogleNews will result in many hits. A lot of the hits are spurious and many are sensational nonsense that appear to be random ideas of a writer masquerading as informed commentary. Maybe one in ten or twenty of the hits are worth looking at more closely, although even with these, most turn out to be a light that someone saw moving through the sky - in other words, very tentative sightings. An irritating trend these days is for some journalists to use the topic of UFOs as filler, when they have nothing else to write about. Invariably, these filler pieces are ill-informed and normally serve only to further spread misconceptions.
  • anomalist.com daily review of world news on unexplained mysteries (no RSS feed)
  • dailygrail.com's goal is "to provide an open forum for heretical, non-mainstream ideas" such as the occult/esoteric, parapsychology, afterlife etc
Blogs posting UFO sightings submitted by the public (typically UFO reports are reproduced as-is, i.e. no verification or investigation):
  • ufostalker.com UFO Stalker automatically posts UFO reports submitted via MUFON Case Management System (MUFON CMS), and plots them onto GoogleMaps (note: MUFON is the largest civilian UFO group in North America)
  • National UFO Examiner by Roger Marsh posts selected UFO reports filed via MUFON CMS. Roger also maintains HometownParanormal.com and is Director of Communications for both the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and Pennsylvania MUFON
  • myufo.com by Louis Martin from Roswell NM, posts UFO sighting reports as submitted by the public
  • lightsinthetexassky.blogspot.com by Sunny Williams, a retired professional photographer from Breckenridge Texas, USA
  • uk-ufo.co.uk by Andy Mannion, posts UFO sighting reports as submitted by the public in Britain
  • Birmingham UK UFO Group (BUFOG): bufog, Dave Hodrien
  • canadaufo.blogspot.com Brian Vike posts sightings from Canada.
    (Note: For several years, Brian Vike diligently updated several blogs with the UFO reports he received : CanadamilitarypoliceUSAworldufoshbccuforesearchthevikereportbigfoot-sasquatchthe-v-factor-paranormal. In 2009 Brian retired from the UFO field and in Nov-2009 he sold several of his HBCCufo Websites to BAASS company of Mr Robert T. Bigelow, a hotel and aerospace entrepreneur from Las Vegas NV)
  • Blogs tracking latest UFO news:

Multi-user UFO blogs :
  • openminds.tv media company focused on UFOs. They operate a website, a magazine, a radio show and a television show.
  • ufodigest.com by Dirk Vander Ploeg, offers UFO and Paranormal news from around the world
  • UFO Magazine (US) by Bill and Nancy Birnes
  • UFO Mystic features bloggers Greg Bishop, Nick Redfern, Lesley Gunter, Regan Lee, Scott Corrales. The Ufomystic.com website is owned by Craig Woolheater, who also owns the website Cryptomundo.com where Loren Coleman blogs about "cryptozoology" (searching for Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Loch Ness monster etc)
  • ghosttheory.com by Javier Ortega, Joe Ruiz, Gary Popella. The blog that goes beyond the title of the website, covering all things paranormal and unexplained.
Blogs by UFO researchers, pundits, enthousiasts (relevance varies, presented in no particular order, needs re-organisation):

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