ufo visitors

ufo visitors

Saturday 30 May 2015

Alien Invasion

 Even though alien invasion is a major theme of both science fiction stories and film, this website is not about the fantasies and fears projected by authors, screen writers and the media… this website is about the real presence of extraterrestrial races in our world and their hidden purpose for being here. Our world is being visited by races from beyond who are here to gain access to our world’s rich resources – especially biological resources. This may seem fantastic to some but there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that alien craft and alien races have been active in our world for several decades. There is also good evidence provided by respected researchers that the presence of these races is directly interfering in and manipulating human affairs.
Many people believe and hope that extraterrestrial life will bring us peace, spiritual enlightenment or greater technology. However, most races in the universe are much like us in needing resources. Greater technology requires greater resources. Barren worlds need biological materials to sustain life.
We are at risk of being the naive and the unwitting hosts to an alien invasion. We must become educated and protect the sovereignty of our planet by being wise stewards of our home world and not believing that any alien race visiting our shores would do so for benign or altruistic purposes. We can look to our own history for the evidence of what occurs to the native peoples when foreign races arrive.
The alien invasion will not be a military invasion. The infiltration of the alien agenda is being played out in the arena of influence, manipulation, suggestion and persuasion. Many world powers are aware of this hazard…
“Are any of the world’s governments resisting the Intervention?”
“Yes, the United States and Russia are resisting the Intervention. That is one of the reasons they have ceased their competition that was so destructive over many decades. They are more cooperative now, for they realize they need one another to be successful in offsetting the impacts and the persuasion that is being cast upon humanity.
There are smaller governments assisting now, but primarily it is these two greater powers that hold such great military strength and persuasion in the world. It is they who had fallen under alien deception, and it is they who have now turned against the Intervention. That is why our contact on Earth, Marshall Vian Summers, can receive this information and can receive our Briefings and counsel without fear of government suppression.” The Allies of Humanity, Book Three, 7th Briefing.

“Though the visitors have a superior technology, the success of their entire mission rests upon their ability to persuade and to encourage human allegiance. You have the power to resist this. You have the power to see through the deception.” — Allies of Humanity
Competition for power and influence in the universe is not that different than it is here on Earth. Powerful beings and organizations play the same game. They compete for land, resources and influence. Most of all they compete for your mind.
The most complete victory is when you’ve convinced your adversary that they never should have opposed you in the first place. The alien invasion is hard at work trying to make this a reality. The false meme that aliens are here to help us grow spiritually and to protect our planet’s ecosystem is an opening salvo in the war for our hearts and minds.
Humanity can defeat the alien invasion. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The situation is not hopeless. Indeed, we have great strengths and advantages that we can draw upon. Here are three of many reasons why humanity will defeat the alien invasion:

Strength In Numbers

Like the natives of the New World being discovered by aggressive Europeans, our adversaries are far more organized and technologically advanced than we are. Nevertheless, they are a tiny expeditionary force. The Aztecs could have easily defeated the Conquistators had they clearly understood the reality of their situation. Such is the challenge and opportunity of our times.
If enough of us rise up against them, they will have to fall back and reconsider their plans. Humanity must become very honest about this situation. It must become a topic discussed at every dinner table. Is there anything more important than this? Entering a Greater Community of life is the greatest threshold a race can take. Get the word out: aliens are here and they must be opposed.

Biological Adaptation

Natural evolution has blessed us with millions of years of biological adaptation to this world. It is very easy and natural for our bodies to inhabit this environment. We take it for granted. While it is true that aliens have visited our planet in the past, on a biological level they are complete newcomers. Bacteria and viruses that your body wouldn’t even sneeze at could easily kill them. They could even spread and destroy an entire alien civilization.
Aliens want this planet for themselves but they need us to operate here on their behalf. Exterminating the human race would not serve them. The ease with which we can operate in this environment is a huge advantage for us. It is the reason why aliens have been so slow and meticulous in their approach here.

Spiritual Power

Humanity is far from perfect but it is not a hopeless race. In many ways, we’re far ahead of the aliens flying around our skies at night. The greatest power in the universe is not technological or mental. It is spiritual. Alien worker drones abducting humans are no match for an advanced practitioner in the ways of Spirit. The alien invasion does not even know of this power. It is our greatest hope.
One that has reclaimed his or her relationship with Spirit can simply Know. The alien invasion’s deceitful manipulation would easily be discerned. The very weakness they continuously use against us – our ignorance – could be surmounted. Becoming a bridge between our Ancient Home and the physical reality of Separation allows one to express spiritual power in the world. If many humans cultivate this strength, it will pose a great danger to the machinations of the alien invasion.

Are All Aliens Enlightened Benevolent Beings?

On July 7, 2014 by alieninvasion
Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what life was like out there? The question comes very naturally for those of us who feel a connection to the Greater Community. One might imagine an infinite variety of cultures and civilizations, each with their own perspectives and priorities. The grandeur of it all makes it difficult for the mind to grasp.
One of the great spiritual truths is that we are all One. Behind every conscious intelligence lies a Greater Mind, what some might call Spirit or Knowledge. Looking out at the universe with this mindset brings order to chaos. Aliens may look and act very differently, but fundamentally we share that deep spiritual bond with the source of Creation.
Many of us in the UFO community who have grasped this truth have used it to project certain fatal assumptions about the nature and reality of life in the universe. For instance, the spiritual understanding that we are all One is often used to argue that life in the universe is inherently benevolent. Proponents of this viewpoint believe that space brothers and sisters would naturally get along. It’s humanity, they insist, that has erred due to our violent nature.
The belief that benevolence is universal is highly dangerous. It could be a fatal assumption for humanity to make. We need only look to our own planet to realize how foolish this viewpoint is.
Serial killers are just as connected to God as anyone else. You would and should not trust them implicitly. This is common sense to everyone reading this. And yet, there are some of us that will extend that trust to every race and being in the universe! How many of them have you met? It’s insane to believe they are all one of anything. It’s even more crazy to assume none of them are any threat to us.
When we look up at the stars, we need to remember that it’s a complex situation that does not have any easy answers. We can’t make blanket statements about any of it. Wise discernment and caution are the only reasonable approach.
There are limits to technology. There are limits to travel. There are limits to what anyone can do with machines. You have not yet reached those limits, but they do exist. There are older races in your neighborhood who have reached those limits, and that is why they seek to use power in the mental environment and to develop this power both for their own defense and to take advantage of whatever opportunities may exist within their sphere of influence and within their local regions in space.” Technology is ubiquitous in the universe. Species seldom maintain a technological edge for very long. New devices and ways of doing things are routinely bought, stolen and copied. That is why technology is not considered the ultimate prize. In this fiercely competitive sector of the galaxy, races compete in the mental environment in hopes of keeping an edge over their rivals.
The mind is their key tool for doing this. It is a communication bridge between our physical and spiritual realities. Its frontiers have never been reached. It can go far beyond what technology is capable of.
A Key Advantage
Every power in this region of space uses seers. These are gifted individuals that are especially trained in the ways of the mental environment. They can pierce through a world’s most hidden secrets without being anywhere near it. Discerning truth from lies is no challenge for them. We must become competitive on this level to hold any hope of maintaining our freedom in the universe.
In every world, psychically gifted children are sought out and trained from a very early age. They are valuable resources for their races. Seers serve in a variety of ways. For instance, they accompany diplomatic missions and are used to facilitate understanding between fundamentally different species. Courts use them to ascertain truth. Government forces use them to ferret out criminals and rebellious individuals. Species with gifted seers hold a decisive advantage.
During the Cold War, both sides employed psychics to spy on each other. The remote viewing programs were successful and opened the door to further research in this area. Who can say how far these programs have gone? World powers may have hidden teams of seers at their disposal. For humanity’s sake, let’s hope they do. We need them to compete with Greater Community forces.
The Power of Knowledge
“The free nations have seers as well. Their seers are employed for the same purposes, but they are guided by a deeper Knowledge which can make them more powerful and more penetrating than the seers employed in nations that are not free. This gives the free nations power and a certain degree of advantage that must remain hidden from foreign awareness and scrutiny.”
Knowledge, also known as Higher Self or Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature, is the greatest power in the universe. It is our spiritual nature – the part of us that has never left God. Seers that utilize Knowledge are far more powerful than those that don’t. They can discern events before they happen. A race guided by this wisdom is well positioned to compete with powerful and aggressive forces, even if it is militarily weaker. Humanity must cultivate this greater strength.
The fire of Knowledge has been kept alive in the world. It is our greatest hope. In the future, human seers that are guided by Knowledge will be our race’s most valuable assets. The alien invasion does not even know of Knowledge. We will be able to discern their intentions, pierce their secrets and thwart their ambitions. Telling friend from foe will no longer be a challenge. Advanced individuals throughout our history have reached such heights. The greatness of our times now calls it forth from many more people. Will you rise to the occasion?
Become A Contributor

Are you a sensitive individual? Become a contributor. Help your race by studying the Steps to Knowledge. Hone your mental abilities by uniting with the Greater Mind within you. Get started today:

The taking of people against their will must be exposed and denounced. It is for an insidious purpose. It can only weaken and divide the human family even further. You must recognize that competition now exists—competition from beyond the world. This competition must be recognized and must be exposed. Those who have believed that this presence is here for humanity’s good must see that this is not the case, that they have been deceived and that those who have been taken against their will believe in things that they were encouraged to believe.” — The Allies of Humanity Alien abductions are real and have been happening for decades. Abductees are victims who have done nothing wrong. No one ever asks to be abducted. It is a deceptive and insidious crime against humanity. Aliens have the psychic capacity to make sure their abductees don’t feel victimized. It’s likes violating someone then convincing them you’re the new Messiah. A neat little arrangement.
Of course, abductees are the first to tell you how wonderful it was. It’s all part of the game. Aliens need a compliant abductee, so the alien invasion will play to people’s spiritual ideals and the need to feel special. Those with inherent psychic abilities will be encouraged to feel gifted for having been chosen. Are you seeing the problem here?
There is hope. Humans can increase their mental powers and spiritual capacity to such an extent that they become more of a problem and nuisance for them. Alien abductors will avoid these people. You have this power!

Awareness is the First Crucial Step

The first step is awareness. Are you a victim of an alien abduction? These 7 signs are a good place to start. Read the list with an open heart and an open mind. Deep down, there’s a part of you that cannot be corrupted or manipulated by the alien invasion. Quiet your mind and ask it sincerely. Ask it over and over again until you get an answer. You can do this!

  1. You have inexplicable lapses of memory that cannot be explained. During an alien abduction, abductees will have their memory wiped or tampered with. This is a sign that something might be up.
  2. On some nights, you are paralyzed with the thought that someone is coming for you. The suggestion to wait in a certain spot might be implanted within your thinking.
  3. You feel great inner restraint and difficulty when trying to research the subject. Victims of alien abductions will sometimes feel really nervous and uncomfortable whenever they try to learn more about alien abductions. They’ve implanted this feeling deep within your mind. Push through!
  4. In spite of your deep intuition that something terrible is happening, you cannot help but think positive and loving thoughts about Aliens. Be wary. Humans are being abducted against their will. Are you really so sure that aliens are spiritual beings here on a mission of mercy? Who told you this? How do you know for sure? What if you’re wrong?
  5. You cannot easily sleep alone or without the lights on. Alien abductions usually happen at night. A deeper part of our psyche begins to make that association.
  6. You frequently have dreams, either loving or frightful, about aliens and alien abductions. This may be a part of your consciousness, the part that cannot be manipulated by outside forces, clueing you into what’s really happening.
  7. Close friends or family confess to having fallen victim to alien abductions, either recently or in their childhoods. This is a red flag. There’s a history of entire families or close relations having been victims of abductions. This may have something to do with the genetic engineering programs they are undertaking. Ask around. Has anyone you know been abducted?
This list doesn’t prove anything for certain, but it’s a start. Only the deeper part of you, the part we call Spirit or Higher Self or Buddha Nature or Christ Consciousness or Knowledge, knows for sure.

What Now?

If you suspect something’s up, consult the following resources to begin to take your power back. You’re not alone in this. Others have successfully thrown off the shackles of alien abductions. You can too!

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